Showing 1–16 of 19 results

  • Basic Marker Mastery™


    This 4-week program uses positive reinforcement techniques, encouraging markers, and clicker training to reinforce desired behaviors. We emphasize confidence-building exercises and teach fundamental commands such as sit, come, place, and loose-leash walking. Notably, we do not use e-collars or prong collars, opting instead for a 15-foot leash, clicker, and slip lead, all provided as part of the program.

  • Puppy Jump Start

    • 2-week residential program with a professional trainer
    • Nylon, martingale collar, and a 6-foot nylon leash included
    • Age Requirement: 3-6 Months Old
    • Potty Training: teach routine and start a foundation for potty outside and create a plan with owners on how to continue once they return home. This does not guarantee your pup will be fully potty trained upon return.
    • Crate Training: enter and exit the crate on command.
    • Commands: Come (Recall), Sit, Down, and Place (Jump up and sit on any object you point to on command). All commands are taught on-leash.
    • Marker Training: Treats and Praise. Owners must provide treats for allergies/sensitivities or if they would like specific treats used during training.
      • Yes: This communicates to the puppy that they have done the correct behavior and they can now finish that behavior.
      • Good: This communicates to the puppy that they have done the correct behavior and should continue that behavior until we mark with yes (allowing them to finish that behavior).
      • No: This communicates to the puppy that they are not behaving correctly and that we would like a different behavior.
    • Socializing and public field trips
    • Daily updates from the trainer
    • Discounts are offered on future 2 Week Board and Train bookings for pups that complete the Puppy Jump Start.
  • Puppy Training Consultation


    This Puppy Consultation will give your new pup a good foundation for basic obedience!

    We can teach you how to house train your dog, so they quit having accidents in the house!

    Finally, we will be happy to answer any questions regarding your new puppy or its’ training.

  • Basic Obedience


    Basic Obedience Curriculum

    • 4 Private 1-Hour Lessons
    • “Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
    • “Down” and “Extended Down.”
    • “Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on a specific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc.)
    • “Out” To drop any and all the things you ask them to.
    • “Off” (to stop doing what you’re doing – jumping, counter surfing, etc.)
    • “Break” (Release word)
    • “Loose Leash Walking” They will walk beside you on a leash.

    * Includes eCollar and training leash
    ** Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old

  • Basic & Advanced Obedience


    8 Private Lessons in our Training Facility

    • Eight (8) private, one-hour sessions
    • First 4 lessons include commands from Basic Obedience Training
    • Final 4 lessons are Advanced Obedience Lessons
    • Advanced Door Manners
    • Large Variety of Advanced Commands Learned
    • Extended distance obedience, heel, “watch” command, “through” command, “front” command, “stand” command, and more!
    • You may ask us to do 1 or 2 of these advanced lessons “off-site” or “in-home” if your dog needs more help with distraction-proofing. One (1) “off-site” lesson = Two (2) “in-facility” lessons.

    * Includes eCollar and training leash
    ** Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old

  • 1 Week “Freedom” Board & Train


    Plus Tax
    1 Week of Residential Training
    Dog will board with a Professional Trainer
    Full Off Leash Recall (Come on command, outside, off-leash)
    Sit and Extended Sit (Dog remains in position until released)
    Off (Correct an unwanted action or behavior)
    Greeting Manners (not jumping)
    Waiting politely at doors and gates (wait when they are opened until released)
    Waiting politely for meals (wait until released)
    Comes with 2 Free Refresher Sessions with a Trainer, if needed.
    This package is for your average pup, free from anxiety, reactivity, or aggression.
    * After completing the training, the owner is provided a one-hour, one-on-one session detailing everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to control them properly.

  • 1 Week Leash Manners Board & Train


    1 Week of Residential Training
    Dog will board with a Professional Trainer
    Leash Manners (walking politely on-leash/heeling on-leash)
    Sit Command
    Off (Correct an unwanted action or behavior)
    Greeting Manners (not jumping)
    Waiting politely at doors and gates (wait when they are opened until released)
    Waiting politely for meals (wait until released)
    Comes with 2 Free Refresher Sessions with a Trainer, if needed. One-hour sessions with a Trainer at one of our facilities.
    This package is for your average pup, free from anxiety, reactivity, or aggression.

    After completing the training, the owner is provided a one-hour, one-on-one session detailing everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to control them properly.

  • 1 Week Skills Refinement


    ***Plus Tax
    This one-week program is designed for graduates of the 2-week Board & Train program at this Off Leash location. We’ll refine the commands previously learned in the 2-week Board & Train program, and you can add 1 (one) new Advanced Command (See Advanced Lessons).


    1 Week of residential training
    Dog will board with a professional trainer
    Reinforce commands already covered in the 2-Week Board and Train
    Learn ONE new advanced command (see Advanced Lessons for options).
    This package is for your average pup that is free from anxiety, reactivity, or aggression.

    After completing the training, the owner is provided a 30-minute, one-on-one session detailing everything their dog does, how to handle them, and how to properly reinforce commands.

    *Additional fees apply if you cannot provide a functional, program-approved e-collar

  • 3 Week Advanced Board and Train


    A three-week program focusing on practical, everyday obedience that is completed with a high level of precision, outside, off-leash, with distractions! This program provides K9 life skills, including exposure to manners and socialization (dogs and people). All behaviors are taught with high-level distraction proofing. Your dog will stay with our trainers in their homes.

    This program is great for dogs that are slightly reactive, anxious, or fearful. It is also a great option for those who want more training time around distractions or for those overly stubborn pups. Please call to discuss so we can determine if this program is the best fit for you and your pup. We do have payment plan options. Dogs must be fully house-trained. Dogs that are not fully house-trained are a better fit for our fewer packages.

  • Core Canine Conduct Basic and Advanced Course


    This course is designed for those who want their dogs to learn the basics of obedience without utilizing an e-collar. You will also have the benefit of advanced lessons to increase confidence and establish a better relationship with your dog. If you have the ultimate goal of off-leash recall, we recommend selecting a different package.

    • Save by paying for all eight (8) lessons up-front! 
    • Eight (8) private, 1-hour session 
    • Training Leash provided.
    • Client must bring treats and treat pouch to all lessons. Click here to see the recommended style of treat pouch.  
    • Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old 
    • You will receive all the commands listed in the Basic Obedience Package and four (4) Advanced Lessons
    • The savings is already calculated into the price listed. Cannot be combined with any other discounts.


  • Core Canine Conduct Basic Course


    This course is designed for those who want their dogs to learn the basics of obedience without utilizing an e-collar. If you have the ultimate goal of off-leash recall, we recommend selecting a different package.

    • Four (4) private, 1-hour lessons 
    • Training Leash provided.
    • Client must bring treats and treat pouch to all lessons. Click here to see the recommended style of treat pouch.
    • Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old 

    Curriculum includes: 

    • Come, Sit, Extended Sit* 
    • Down, Extended Down* 
    • Place and Extended Place* 
    • Loose Leash Walking 
    • Off – correct an unwanted action or behavior (Example: Stop K9 from jumping on you or anyone else) 
    • * Extended means your dog will remain in the down, sit or place position until you release them. 


  • On Leash Trifecta Board & Train


    This program is designed for dogs without reactivity/aggression. This program will be great for dogs who need help focusing out in public around distractions. It is also suited for dogs that are slightly nervous/anxious in public by utilizing confidence building exercises and taking things at the dog’s pace in a variety of new places.

    Please call to discuss so we can determine if this program is the best fit for you and your pup. We do have payment plan options. Dogs must be 5 months or older. Dogs must be fully house trained. Dogs that are not fully house trained are a better fit for our lesson packages. 


    • On Leash Recall (15-foot training lead provided)
    • Sit and Extended Sit
    • Down and Extended Down
    • Come on command (outside, on leash, with distractions)
    • Greeting Manners
    • Door Manners
    • Meal manners
    • Training with distractions (dogs and people)
    • Place and Extended Place
    • Heel command (loose leash)
    • Advanced command: distance down
    • Advanced command: owner’s choice of 1 additional advanced command
    • After completion of the training, the owner is provided a 2-hour one-on-one session which will detail everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to properly control them. It is critical you follow the guidance provided by the trainer during your turnover session to ensure a successful transition back into your home.
    • Includes 15-foot training lead and martingale or prong collar (trainer’s discretion)
  • Puppy Lessons


    Six (6), 30 minutes sessions
    Introduction to engagement
    Loading markers (yes, good and no)
    Leash manners
    Overview of routine/structure/exposure

  • 2 Week Board and Train

    • 2 Weeks of Immersive Training
    • Dog will board with a Professional Trainer
    • 6 Guaranteed Commands
      • Sit and Extended Sit (Dog remains in position until released)
      • Down and Extended Down
      • Place & Extended Place
      • Heel (On and Off-Leash Walking)
      • Off
    • Full Off-Leash Recall
    • Handling Multiple Distractions in Multiple Environments
    • Greeting Manners – Door Manners – Meal Manners
  • Basic Obedience Starter Package


    One individual lesson is $385 (This includes the Off Leash K9 Training E-Collar, 20-foot leash, and the price of the first lesson). Then each additional lesson is just $100.00 per session.

  • Advanced Lesson


    Upon completing our Basic Obedience Package, you may purchase individual Advanced Lessons.

    Options Include:

    • Extended distance obedience
    • Heel command
    • Watch command
    • Through command
    • Stand command
    • Front command
    • Touch command
    • Focused heeling
    • Advanced door manners
    • Many more!

    * Minimum age is 5 months